Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Werewolf of Great Wolf

Once upon a time, long, long ago there was a mountain where four woodcutters were building the first Great Wolf Lodge.  Every things was good except the pack of wolves that howled every night.  The wood cutters couldn't sleep.  The first night they thought, they will go away.  The second night the wolves howled, they thought, they will go away tomorrow.  The third night the wolves howled, the woodcutters thought, tomorrow we will put up a trap and catch those wolves.

So the next day they set up the trap.  It had a dead bunny inside to get the wolves inside.  That night the woodcutters didn't have a peaceful sleep, but they knew that sleep would come.  The next day the woodcutters finished building the first Great Wolf Lodge.  And they also caught a wolf!  As they removed the cage to the car, the wolf bit one of the men.  It wasn't a bad bite , so the men didn't worry about it.  That night the men slept peacefully, except for the man who got bit.  He felt a tingling sensation.  He felt his face.  Hair grew on it.  He suddenly had the urge to howl at the moon.  He opened the door and vanished into the night.  So from this day on, if you're at the Great Wolf Lodge, and if it's a full moon, you will hear the werewolf of Great Wolf Lodge.  Howoooooooooooo!!!!!!!

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